Qdrant Data

General FAQs on MAPEH Curriculum

What is MAPEH?

MAPEH stands for Music, Arts, Physical Education, and Health. It is a comprehensive subject in the

educational curriculum that focuses on developing students’ knowledge, skills, and attitudes in music,

visual arts, physical activity, and health education.

Why is MAPEH important in the school curriculum?

MAPEH plays a crucial role in holistic development, promoting physical fitness, creativity, aesthetic

appreciation, and health awareness among students. It contributes to the well-being of the individual,

family, community, and society.

How can MAPEH contribute to a student’s overall development?

Through varied activities in music, arts, physical education, and health, MAPEH encourages creativity,

improves physical fitness, fosters emotional well-being, and instills a lifelong appreciation for arts and


Specific FAQs for MAPEH 4

What are the key themes in MAPEH 4?

Key themes include personal wellness, cultural identity through arts, and foundational skills in physical

activities and health practices.

Can you provide examples of activities for developing fitness in MAPEH 4?

Activities include basic exercises for improving strength, flexibility, and endurance, such as jumping jacks,

sit-ups, and stretching routines.

How is cultural identity explored in MAPEH 4 through arts?

Cultural identity is explored by studying and creating artworks that reflect local traditions, music, and

dance, fostering appreciation and pride in one’s heritage.

Specific FAQs for MAPEH 7

What is the focus of MAPEH 7 in terms of health education?

MAPEH 7 focuses on mental health awareness, the importance of personal hygiene, and the

development of healthy lifestyles to prevent diseases.

How are target games utilized in MAPEH 7 to promote physical fitness?

Target games like archery are used to teach strategic thinking, improve hand-eye coordination, and

encourage participation in physical activities for fitness.

What role does art play in MAPEH 7 curriculum?

Art in MAPEH 7 is integrated through projects that encourage self-expression, creativity, and

appreciation of both local and global artistic traditions.FAQs on Pedagogical Strategies

How do teachers integrate the four components of MAPEH effectively?

Teachers integrate the components by planning interdisciplinary activities that connect music, arts,

physical education, and health topics, emphasizing holistic education.

What strategies are effective in teaching MAPEH to diverse learners?

Differentiated instruction, inclusive activities that cater to various skill levels, and integrating technology

and interactive media are effective strategies.

How is technology used in teaching MAPEH?

Technology is used through virtual fitness classes, digital art creation tools, online music platforms, and

health education apps to enhance learning experiences.

FAQs on Assessment and Evaluation

How are students assessed in MAPEH?

Assessment in MAPEH includes practical performance tasks, creative projects, written exams, and

reflective journals to evaluate students’ skills, knowledge, and attitudes.

What are the criteria for evaluating art projects in MAPEH?

Criteria include creativity, technique, expression, understanding of cultural context, and adherence to

project guidelines.

How is physical fitness measured in MAPEH?

Physical fitness is measured through standardized tests assessing endurance, strength, flexibility, and

agility, alongside self-assessment of personal fitness goals.

This structured approach to FAQs provides a broad overview that covers general, specific, pedagogical,

and evaluative aspects of the MAPEH curriculum, addressing likely inquiries from students, parents, and

other stakeholders.

Given the request for specificity and the extensive content from the MAPEH 4 and 7 curriculum guides, I

will create targeted FAQs that directly reflect the curriculum’s specific lessons, themes, and

competencies. This approach will provide precise answers relevant to the curriculum details presented in

the documents.

FAQs Based on MAPEH 4 Curriculum Guide

What is the significance of learning traditional Filipino games in Grade 4 PE?

Traditional Filipino games are vital for understanding cultural heritage, improving physical coordination,

teamwork, and strategic thinking. Games like “Patintero” and “Luksong Tinik” not only offer fun physical

activity but also deepen students’ appreciation for Filipino cultural traditions.

How does Grade 4 Music contribute to a student’s cultural identity?Music education in Grade 4 explores various Filipino musical instruments and folk songs, allowing

students to connect with their cultural roots. By learning to play indigenous instruments and sing local

songs, students develop a deeper understanding and pride in their cultural identity.

What are the basic hygiene practices taught in Grade 4 Health Education?

Basic hygiene practices include proper handwashing techniques, dental hygiene, personal grooming, and

cleanliness. These practices are essential for preventing illness and promoting overall health among


How are visual arts integrated into Grade 4 Arts curriculum?

The visual arts curriculum integrates drawing, painting, and crafting activities that reflect Filipino culture

and history. Projects might include creating artworks inspired by indigenous patterns or natural

landscapes, fostering creativity and cultural awareness.

FAQs Based on MAPEH 7 Curriculum Guide

Why is mental health education included in Grade 7 Health curriculum?

Mental health education is crucial for Grade 7 students to help them understand emotional well-being,

stress management, and healthy coping mechanisms. This knowledge is vital for supporting adolescents’

mental health and resilience in facing challenges.

How do target games like archery contribute to physical education in Grade 7?

Archery and other target games enhance focus, hand-eye coordination, and fine motor skills. They also

teach students about goal setting, precision, and the importance of practice, contributing to their

physical and mental development.

What role does art play in enhancing Grade 7 students’ learning experiences?

Art projects in Grade 7 encourage self-expression, creativity, and critical thinking. Students engage with

various mediums and techniques, exploring contemporary and traditional art forms to express their

ideas and emotions.

How does learning about personal health in Grade 7 prepare students for future challenges?

The Grade 7 health curriculum covers topics like nutrition, exercise, personal hygiene, and substance

abuse prevention. This knowledge equips students with the skills to make informed health decisions,

promoting lifelong wellness.

Worksheet 2


Subject:      MAPEH 7     Grade Level: _____7_________

Quarter:     THIRD

Performance StandardThe learners produce an integrative creative work using conventional, contemporary, and/or emerging concepts, processes, techniques, and/or practices in the Philippines and selected Southeast Asian Nationalistic (Post-war) Music and Arts. 
Content StandardThe learners demonstrate understanding of nationalistic Music and Arts common to the Philippines and selected Southeast Asian countries, including the subjects, themes, concepts, processes, techniques, mediums, and/or practices. 
ThemeNationalistic Music and Arts in the Post-war Philippines and Southeast Asia” 
Learning Competencyproduce creative work using techniques and processes employed in the production of nationalistic performing and visual arts inspired by nationalistic themes. 
Learning ObjectivesCreate any art works using techniques and processes employed in the production of nationalistic and visual arts inspired by the nationalistic themesPerform any art works using techniques and processes employed in the production of nationalistic and visual arts inspired by the nationalistic themes
ContentI. PERFORMING ARTS A. Music       1. Philippine National Anthem       2. Nationalistic Music           – Vocal Music           – Instrumental Music Musical Behaviors: Active Listening; Describing; Interpreting; Composing; Finding Relations; Performing B. Theater        1. Relevant Theater Forms          Street Plays, Advocacy Performances           / Theater for Development C. Dance         1. Relevant Dance Forms II. VISUAL ARTS A. Visual Art              1. Textile, Prints, Painting, Sculpture, Installation, Architecture,  Films Arts Processes: Describing; Dramatizing; Producing; Creating; Finding Relations Materials: Any available local (natural and synthetic) material.The selection of countries for this quarter depends on the extent of foreign influences and/or the presence of foreign (Southeast Asian) nationals dominant in one’s locality/region.
IntegrationHistory/ Araling PanlipunanFilipino
Learning Resources– Music and Arts MATATAG Curriculum Guide- Youtube.com- Google.com

Teaching and Learning Procedure
Activity Prior Knowledge(Mind and Mood)Divide the class into 5 groups and provide the group with meta stripsPictures will be flashed on the TV screen and each group have to identify the pictures shown. Write the answer on a meta stripEncourage each member of the group to participate Facilitate the discussion using these guide questions:What have you noticed on the pictures shown on the screen?How are they related to each other?
Establishing Purpose(Aims)Discussion of the Nationalistic Music an Arts in the Post-war Philippines and Southeast Asia.Discussion about different techniques and processes used in creating nationalistic-inspired artwork
Developing and Deepening Understanding(Tasks and Thought)

Encourage students to share their thoughts on how they can incorporate these techniques into their own creative artwork. 
Making Generalization(Abstractions)
Discuss and share to the class on how they come up to the making of their visual artwork 

Evaluating Learning(Test)


Activity: Creating Artwork

With the same groupings, students are:
Provided with art supplies and ask them to create their own artwork inspired by nationalistic themes.Encouraged to experiment with different techniques and processes discussed earlier.
Assessing students’ created artwork through a Rubric.

Choose the letter of the best answer.
It usually plays for court ceremonies and theatrical presentations and made up of percussions and wood instruments.KulintangGamelanPi PhatWhich country does the Pin Peat Ensemble belongs?                  a.Myanmar                  b. Cambodia                  c. Thailand      3. It is a traditional ensemble. Music of Java and Bali in Indonesia, made up predominantly of percussive instruments                  a. Pin Peat                  b. Gamelan                  c. Sidaw
Teachers’ Remarks(Annotations)
“ In a world filled with chaos, music and art serve as a soothing balm for the mind and spirit.”

Teachers’ Reflection(Gains)Conclude the lesson by asking students to reflect on what they have learned about producing creative work inspired by nationalistic themes.Encourage them to think about how they can continue exploring these themes in their future artwork.


MATATAG K to 10 Curriculum Weekly Lesson Log


Look National High School

Grade Level


Name of Teacher/s


Learning Area


Teaching Date and Time

110 min. (2meetings)



Performance Standards

The learners participate in invasion games and other physical activities in promoting family wellness for active and healthy living

Content standards 

The learners demonstrate understanding of family roles in managing concerns and conflicts and invasion games in promoting family wellness for active and healthy living

Learning competencies

Execute appropriate skill of sports and the required fitness concepts of chosen invasion games in responding to tactical problems

Learning objectives

A) Execute the appropriate skills and required fitness concept in Basketball


Target Game:  Basketball

  • Execution of the Basic Skills of Basketball 


Fitness, health and wellness


s://www.google.com/search?q=basketball+games&rlz=1C1UEAD_enPH992PH992&oq=&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCQgAEEUYOxjCAzIJCAAQRRg7GMID, DepEd MAPEH book, speaker, ppt


Activating Prior Knowledge

(Mind and Mood)

Group Task 1:  Paugnat sa Kusog https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EuCsyRNW6o0

Task the learners to perform warm up exercises.

Group Task 2: Lead up Games (Dribbling, Shooting and Passing)


 What are you curious about the game you just played?

Where do you think this game is played? Can you name some skills of this sport event?

(Teacher will write the responses on the board)

How did you interact with your team mates in accomplishing your task?

Establishing Purpose


Introduced the concept of Basketball

  • Appropriate Skills of basketball and wellness for active and healthy living

Engage learners in the discussions about the skills and required fitness for healthy living.  

Group Task: Distribute the worksheet/template to the learners


Ask: why wellness for active and healthy living are important in everyday life. Encourage them to share their ideas.

Developing and Deepening Understanding

(Task and Thought)

What are the appropriate skills in Basketball? 

What is the primary role of the leader in the team? 

Why is the role of the leader important in responding to tactical problems?

Making Generalization


Group Task 3: Sharing of Thoughts

Task the learners to examine and discuss experiences they had during the activity 2. 

Guide Questions

What are the skills in basketball that improves fitness for healthy living?

How does participating basketball game promote social well- being especially in responding to tactical problems?

Group Sharing and presentation of thoughts to the class.

Evaluating Learning


Group Task 4:  The learner will execute appropriate skill of Basketball that will promote wellness for active healthy living.  

Rubrics is used in grading.

See attached rubrics

Teachers’ Remarks


Teacher will give feedback after every execution/ performance.


Teachers’ Reflection 

Prepared by:

Reviewed by:

Approved by:



4Advanced – Exceeds expectations

3Competent – Meets expectations

2Progressing – Does not fully meet expectations

1Beginning – Does not meet expectations

Contributions, Attitude

Always willing to help and do more. Routinely offered useful ideas. Always displays positive attitude.

Cooperative. Usually offered useful ideas. Generally displays positive attitude.

Sometimes cooperative. Sometimes offered useful ideas. Rarely displays positive attitude.

Seldom cooperative. Rarely offers useful ideas. Is disruptive.

Cooperation with Others

Did more than others–highly productive. Works extremely well with others. Never argues.

Did their part of the work-cooperative. Works well with others. Rarely argues.

Could have done more of the work–has difficulty. Requires structure, directions, and leadership. Argues sometimes.

Did not do any work–does not contribute. Does not work well with others. Usually argues with teammates.

Focus, Commit


Tries to keep people working together. Almost always focused on the task and what needs to be done. Is very self-directed.

Does not cause problems in the group. Focuses on the task and what needs to be done most of the time. Can count on this person.

Sometimes not a good team member. Sometimes focuses on the task and what needs to be done. Must be prodded and reminded to keep on task.

Often is not a good team member. Does not focus on the task and what needs to be done. Lets others do the work.

Team Role Fulfillment

Participated in all group meetings. Assumed leadership role as necessary. Did the work that was assigned by the group.

Participated in most group meetings. Provided leadership when asked. Did most of the work assigned by the group.

Participated in some group meetings. Provided some leadership. Did some of the work assigned by the group.

Participated in few or no group meetings. Provided no leadership. Did little or no work assigned by the group.

Ability to Communicate

Always listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others. Provided effective feedback to other members. Relays a great deal of information–all relates to the topic.

Usually listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others. Sometimes talks too much. Provided some effective feedback to others. Relays some basic information–most relates to the topic.

Often listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others. Usually does most of the talking–rarely listens to others. Provided little feedback to others. Relays very little information–some relates to the topic.

Rarely listens to, shares with, or supports the efforts of others. Is always talking and never listens to others. Provided no feedback to others. Does not relay any information to teammates.


Work is complete, well organized, has no errors and is done on time or early.

Work is generally complete, meets the requirements of the task, and is mostly done on time.

Work tends to be disorderly, incomplete, not accurate, and is usually late.

Work is generally sloppy and incomplete, has excessive errors and is mostly late or not at all.


Worksheet 2


Subject: HEALTH      Grade Level:  GRADE 7

Quarter: 1

Performance Standard
The learners participate in target games and other physical activities personal  wellness for living. active and healthy.
Content StandardThe learners demonstrate understanding of mental health and target games in promoting personal wellness for active and healthy living.
ThemeCommon adolescents concerns affect mental health.
Learning CompetencyDiscuss common adolescents’ concerns that can affect mental health.
Learning ObjectivesDescribe the characteristics of a mentally healthy adolescent.Discuss common adolescents’ concerns that can affect mental health.Explain prevention and management of common adolescents’ concerns that can affect mental health

ContentMental Health     
IntegrationWellness, health, fitness,
Learning ResourcesMATATAG PE and Health Curriculum Guide, VIDEOS
Teaching and Learning Procedure
Activity Prior Knowledge(Mind and Mood) Start the lesson by asking students to reflect on their own experiences and perceptions of mental health.Have a brainstorming session where students list words or phrases related to mental health.Engage students in a discussion about what mental health means to them and how it can affect their daily lives.
Possible Follow-up Questions:
Can you give examples of situations that affect your mood or mental well-being?How do you think mental health influences your behavior and decision-making? 

Establishing Purpose(Aims)Discuss mental health.Discuss  the characteristics of a mentally  healthy adolescents.Explain understanding mental health is important for adolescents and how it can impact various aspects of their lives, including academic performance, relationships, and overall well-being.
Possible Follow-up Questions:
Why do you think it’s essential for us to learn about mental health?How do you think understanding mental health can help you in your daily life?

Developing and Deepening Understanding(Tasks and Thought)

Divide the class into small groups and provide them with scenarios related to adolescent mental health concerns (e.g., peer pressure, academic stress, social media influence). (Video Viewing)Ask each group to analyze the scenario, identify the potential mental health concerns, and discuss possible prevention and management strategies.Encourage students to think critically and consider different perspectives when discussing the scenarios.
Possible Follow-up Questions:
What are the warning signs that someone may be struggling with their mental health in this scenario?How would you support a friend who is experiencing similar challenges? 
Making Generalization(Abstractions) Facilitate a class discussion to summarize the common themes and insights gathered from the group activities.Encourage students to identify patterns and generalizations about adolescent mental health concerns and effective prevention and management strategies.Emphasize the importance of seeking help and support when needed and the role of resilience in maintaining mental well-being.Possible Follow-up Questions:
What are some important   themes you noticed in the group discussions?How can we apply the insights gained to our own lives and support the mental health of ourselves and others?
Evaluating Learning(Test)

Individual Reflection:  Ask students to write a short reflection on what they have learned about mental health and the techniques they can use to maintain their well-being.

Follow-up questions:What are three signs of good mental health?How you support a friend who is struggling with their mental health?
Teachers’ Remarks(Annotations)

Teachers’ Reflection(Gains)


Worksheet 2


Subject:  MUSIC AND ARTS            Grade Level: _7_____

Quarter:   QUARTER II

Performance StandardThe learners incorporate characteristics of selected Philippine and Southeast Asian traditional or folk music and art in their creative work, using conventional, contemporary, and emerging concepts, processes, techniques, and/or practices in Music and Arts.
Content StandardThe learners demonstrate understanding of the conventional local folk Music and Arts common to the Philippines and selected Southeast Asian countries, including the subjects, themes, concepts, mediums, processes, techniques, and/or practices.
ThemeTheme: “Conventional Traditional or Local Folk Music and Arts (Pre-war) Common to the Philippines and Southeast Asia”
Learning CompetencyExplain similarities within the Philippine regions and with selected Southeast Asian countries in terms of local subjects, themes, and mediums influenced by the concepts, processes, techniques, and/or practices;
Learning Objectives
Perform the vocal music of the Philippines  and other Southeast Asian countriesCompare the music of the Philippines to the other music of the southeast Asian countriesAnalyze the music and give the similarities of the music of the Philippines and other southeast Asian countries
ContentA. Music 1. Traditional or Local Folk Music Common to the Philippines and                      Southeast Asia • Vocal Music                 2.  Instrumental Music
Learning ResourcesMatatag Curriculum Music and Arts Guidehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StdCqJ9qCiU&list=PLcWSd5NwHibyZkuCPojxKIGSKqnG_U_lz
Teaching and Learning Procedure
Activity Prior Knowledge(Mind and Mood)     
Memory Recall : Folk Songs learned in Elementary Singing one particular songExample :Sitsiritsit

Establishing Purpose(Aims)
Lesson Introduction: the teacher presents an audiovisual presentation on the music found in the Philippines as well as countries in southeast Asia.

Developing and Deepening Understanding(Tasks and Thought)

ACTIVITY: The learners will sing one song at the same time use body movements  to interpret one  example of vocal music common in the Philippines and southeast Asian countries Note The teacher will provide the copy of the song 

Making Generalization(Abstractions)
Divide the students into small groups to discuss and reflect on the commonalities  between Philippine music and other music in the southeast Asian countries Instruct each group to formulate generalizations on how our vocal music is closely related to other Southeast Asian countries.
Evaluating Learning(Test)


Performance task by group:
Teachers’ Remarks(Annotations)
Teachers feedback: The students enjoyed the lessonThe student appreciate the music in other countriesThe students presentation will be continue next day

Teachers’ Reflection(Gains)

The teacher presented the lesson to the learners.

Annonation; This lesson is good for 2 days depends on how the teacher approaches the activities and his/ her understanding on he’s/her learners.


Worksheet 2


Subject: MUSIC and ARTS      Grade Level: 7

Quarter: 1

Performance Standard
 The learners create works based on relevant concepts, processes, techniques, and/or practices used in selected representative contemporary and emerging works of the Philippines and selected Southeast Asian countries in the production of their creative works.
Content Standard
The learners demonstrate understanding of the contemporary and emerging popular Music and Arts of the Philippines and selected Southeast Asian countries, and their cultural influences, including the subjects, themes, concepts, mediums, processes, techniques, and/or practices
Contemporary and Emerging Music and Arts of the Philippines and the Southeast Asia and their Cultural Influences
Learning CompetencyAssess their competency in the production of creative work based on concepts, processes, techniques, and/or practices used in selected Philippine and Southeast Asian contemporary and emerging performing and visual arts.
Learning ObjectivesReview the concepts, processes, techniques, and/or practices used in selected Philippine and Southeast Asian contemporary and emerging performing and visual arts.

Reflect in the theater presentation based on concept, practices and techniques used in the Philippines and selected Southeast Asian contemporary and emerging performing arts and visual arts.
Assess the theatrical presentation based on the concepts, practices used in selected Southeast Asian countries in the production of their creative works
ContentContemporary and Emerging Music and Arts of the Philippines and the Southeast Asia and their Cultural Influences
IntegrationICT Integration
Learning ResourcesClasspoint AppPerformance Assessment Checklist
Teaching and Learning Procedure
Activity Prior Knowledge(Mind and Mood)Mind and Mood ActivityReview: Using the ClassPoint App- Word Cloud FeatureThe learners will answer the following:1. Cite examples of performing arts     Expected Answers: Vocal and Instrumental, Theater, Dance2.  Write examples of Visual Arts     Expected Answers:  Film, animation, architecture, comics, weaving, documentation3. What are the important elements of performing arts and visual arts?    Expected Answers: Theme and Message, Musical Forms, Setting and Atmosphere, Costumes and Makeup, Stage Design, Acting and Characterization and Cultural and Social Context 
Establishing Purpose(Aims)Present the recorded video of the theater performance by group.
Guide Questions:What are the theme and message of the theater presentation?What are the emerging music of the Philippines and other Southeast Asian countries presented in theater presentation?How did the acting, dialogue and other elements contribute to conveying the theme?Describe how music contributed to the performance.What kind of atmosphere or mood did the setting create?Describe the costumes and make up of the characters. Did the costumes enhance the characters identities or the over-all performance?How did the over all stage design contribute to the story telling?Did the actor effectively convey the characters emotion and motivations?
Developing and Deepening Understanding(Tasks and Thought)
Activity: By Group-Using the Performance Assessment Checklist, rate the important concept in the theater performance.
Making Generalization(Abstractions)
Activity:  Using the ClassPoint App- Short AnswerList down positive feedback about the theater performance as a whole?Write down things to improve in the theater performance?
Evaluating Learning(Test)
Reflection Journal:
Let the students write their personal reflection on their performance in the theater presentation.Let them highlight the important process, techniques and practice that need to improve in the presentation for future performances.
Teachers’ Remarks(Annotations)

Teachers’ Reflection(Gains)

Prepared by: _____________________________

Worksheet 2


Subject: PE & HEALTH           Grade Level: GRADE 7

Quarter:          2

Performance StandardThe learners participate in invasion games and other physical activities in promoting family wellness for active and healthy living.
Content StandardThe learners demonstrate understanding of family roles in managing concerns and conflicts and invasion games in promoting family wellness for active and healthy living.
Theme/FocusPhysical Activity Participation: Invasion Games
Learning CompetencyExecute appropriate skills of sports and the required fitness concepts of chosen invasion games in responding to tactical problems.
Learning ObjectivesExplain the appropriate skills of sports and the required fitness components of chosen invasion games in responding to tactical problems.Execute the appropriate skills of sports and the required fitness components of the chosen invasion games.
ContentInvasion Games: Skills of Basketball 
IntegrationFitness, health, and wellness
Learning ResourcesMATATAG PE and Health Curriculum GuideVideo clipsCrossword strips
Teaching and Learning Procedure
Activity Prior Knowledge(Mind and Mood)(4 minutes)Crossword Solver!Find the word with missing letters. Crossword clue is given. Do it in 10 seconds per word.
               Skills in sportsPA




               Fitness componentA


Questions:What sports has the basic skills being revealed by the first 3 crosswords?How do these 3 fitness components connected to the sports being revealed?What do you think is our topic for today?
Establishing Purpose(Aims)(1 minute)Basketball is the Philippines most watched and beloved sport.  Every city, municipality, and even barangay in the country has a basketball tournament during summer and/or during fiesta celebration.Today, we will be learning the 5 basic skills in basketball. We will also be studying some fitness component required for you to be a good basketball player.
Developing and Deepening Understanding(Tasks and Thought)(15 minutes)

Curry: Eyes on Me!Show a video clip of Stephen Curry playing basketball highlighting the 5 basic skills (passing, shooting, dribbling, rebounding & running) and the required fitness components to be a good basketball player (agility, stamina and strength)
Questions:How did Curry demonstrate passing? dribbling? shooting? rebounding? running? How is agility, stamina, and strength demonstrated by Curry? (Students will describe/explain how the skill is demonstrated orally and/or enhance by gesture) 
Making Generalization(Abstractions)(15 minutes)The teacher will do a lecture-discussion through a PowerPoint on the following:PassingShootingDribblingReboundingRunningAgilityStaminaStrengthQuestions: Based on your own understanding, explain how the skills in basketball are appropriately demonstrated?Define operationally the fitness component required in basketball i.e., agility, stamina and strength.Which skill do you think should be developed first? Why?

Evaluating Learning(Test)(15 minutes)


Crossword Puzzle
Paper and Pencil Test:Students learning will be assessed through this objective type test employing crossword puzzle.

Across:Retrieving the ball after a missed field goal or free throwTapping the ball to the floor.Attempting to score points by throwing the ball through the basket.Ability to rapidly change body direction, accelerate or decelerate.Attempting to move a live ball between two teammates.
Vertical:Retrieving the ball after a missed field goal or free throwTo move from one court to another either to do offense or defense.Ability to get through an entire game without a dip in performance.
Performance task (Day 2): Learners play basketball and their performance is evaluated using rubrics.
Teachers’ Remarks(Annotations)(3 minutes)

Teachers’ Reflection(Gains)(2 minutes)

Prepared by: